Length: 24.5 inches
Weight: 13 lbs 7 oz
Clothes: Carter's 3 months clothes fit her really well right now, but the 6 month clothes are a little to big. Pajamas must run smaller because she is in the 6 month pajamas already.
Sleep: Just this past couple weeks we have given sleep training another go. Some nights she goes down without a peep where other nights she will cry for 10-20 minutes before she falls asleep. She is still only sleeping 3 hours at a time, but that is so much better than the 30 minutes to an hour that she was giving me. Now I need to figure out how to wean her off the night feedings.
Milestones: She is starting to get much better at sitting up on her own. We still have some work to do, but she does great sitting in a Boppy. She has started reaching for people(mostly me) when she is being held by people that she doesn't know.
Firsts this month:
- She scoots on her back to reach things over her head. I don't think she knows that she is moving, but between arching her back and straightening her legs she moves a little.
- Swinging in the "big girl" swing at the park
- Looking at herself in a mirror, she just squeals and kisses(licks/eats) the mirror
- Jumping in the Jumperoo, especially if there is a mirror in front of her.
- Being outside
- Being in her stroller as long as the sun isn't in her face
- Any attention she can get from her mommy and daddy
- Sucking on her bows. I don't know what it is about her bows, but she prefers them to any of her toys
- Kisses from her mommy and daddy, she giggles and squeals the whole time
- Taking baths
- Going to church for 3 hours
- Green beans, Peas
- When I leave the room, even if I wasn't playing with her at the time
Things I want to remember
- Lacey loves to snuggle with me when she gets tired.
- She is the most smiley baby that I have ever met, and she has learned how to squeal when she gets really excited.
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